The Rohu is a species of fish of the carp family. Rohu is found in rivers in South Asia.It is very much famous in India.It is known as Rui or Rho Labeo.
Rohu fish being a river fish has high value of vitamin c in it.We all know that vitamin c helps protecting against immune disease deficiencies,cardiovascular disease,eye disease, skin problems etc.
Rohu fish is a great source of Protein .Protein helps in building body and muscle growth. Protein helps in lowering blood pressure.
Rohu fish contains less fat and rich in Protein which makes it a very special food.Low fat food is excellent for human.
Rohu fish is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 3 is known for curing depression,anxiety eye health,brain health and also good for heart patient.
Mineral Source
Rohu is rich in Minerals like Iron,Zinc,Phosphorus,Manganese,Potassium ,Calcium, Iodine,Selenium. These Minerals helps in bone strengthening ,prevents chronic disease & also helps in fighting against infectious disease.
In short we can say that Rohu fish help in developing brain power,increase muscle power.improves the eyesight,glows the skin, helps in growth of tissue, preventing heart disease,helps in curing joint pain. Rohu fish has many more benefits.
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